Results for 'Jesse Josua Benjamin'

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  1.  13
    Gathering Design and Its Center(s).Jesse Josua Benjamin - 2023 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 27 (1):139-148.
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    Response to commentary on A Neural Correlate of Consciousness Related to Repression.Howard Shevrin, Jess H. Ghannam & Benjamin Libet - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):345-346.
  3.  87
    A Neural Correlate of Consciousness Related to Repression.Howard Shevrin, Jess H. Ghannam & Benjamin W. Libet - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):334-341.
    In previous research Libet discovered that a critical time period for neural activation is necessary in order for a stimulus to become conscious. This necessary time period varies from subject to subject. In this current study, six subjects for whom the time for neural activation of consciousness had been previously determined were administered a battery of psychological tests on the basis of which ratings were made of degree of repressiveness. As hypothesized, repressive subjects had a longer critical time period for (...)
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  4. Groundings : a revolutionary pan-African pedagogy for guerilla intellectuals.Jesse Benjamin & Devyn Springer - 2019 - In Derek Ford (ed.), Keywords in Radical Philosophy and Education: Common Concepts for Contemporary Movements. Boston: Brill.
  5.  47
    Simulated Mortality—We Can Do More.Andrew T. Goldberg, Benjamin J. Heller, Jesse Hochkeppel, Adam I. Levine & Samuel Demaria - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (3):495-504.
    :High-fidelity simulation is a relatively new teaching modality, which is gaining widespread acceptance in medical education. To date, dozens of studies have proven the usefulness of HFS in improving student, resident, and attending physician performance, with similar results in the allied health fields. Although many studies have analyzed the utility of simulation, few have investigated why it works. A recent study illustrated that permissive failure, leading to simulated mortality, is one HFS method that can improve long-term performance. Critics maintain, however, (...)
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    A Longitudinal Study of Mental Wellbeing in Students in Aotearoa New Zealand Who Transitioned Into PhD Study.Taylor Winter, Benjamin C. Riordan, John A. Hunter, Karen Tustin, Megan Gollop, Nicola Taylor, Jesse Kokaua, Richie Poulton & Damian Scarf - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Journal editorials, career features, and the popular press commonly talk of a graduate student mental health crisis. To date, studies on graduate student mental health have employed cross-sectional designs, limiting any causal conclusions regarding the relationship between entry into graduate study and mental health. Here, we draw on data from a longitudinal study of undergraduate students in Aotearoa New Zealand, allowing us to compare participants who did, and did not, transition into PhD study following the completion of their undergraduate degree. (...)
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    Informed consent to future research on stored tissue samples: the views of researchers, ethics review committee members and policy makers in five non-Western countries.Kenji Matsui, Alaa Abou Zeid, Zhang Xinqing, Benjamin Krohmal, Vasantha Muthuswamy, Young Mo Koo, David Wendler, Jesse Chao, Yoshikuni Kita & Reidar Lie - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (4):401-416.
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    New Perspectives on Anarchism.Samantha E. Bankston, Harold Barclay, Lewis Call, Alexandre J. M. E. Christoyannopoulos, Vernon Cisney, Jesse Cohn, Abraham DeLeon, Francis Dupuis-Déri, Benjamin Franks, Clive Gabay, Karen Goaman, Rodrigo Gomes Guimarães, Uri Gordon, James Horrox, Anthony Ince, Sandra Jeppesen, Stavros Karageorgakis, Elizabeth Kolovou, Thomas Martin, Todd May, Nicolae Morar, Irène Pereira, Stevphen Shukaitis, Mick Smith, Scott Turner, Salvo Vaccaro, Mitchell Verter, Dana Ward & Dana M. Williams - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    The study of anarchism as a philosophical, political, and social movement has burgeoned both in the academy and in the global activist community in recent years. Taking advantage of this boom in anarchist scholarship, Nathan J. Jun and Shane Wahl have compiled twenty-six cutting-edge essays on this timely topic in New Perspectives on Anarchism.
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    Event boards as tools for holistic AI.Peter Gärdenfors, Mary-Anne Williams, Benjamin Johnston, Richard Billingsley, Jonathan Vitale, Pavlos Peppas & Jesse Clark - unknown
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  10. Reviving Whorf: The return of linguistic relativity.Maria Francisca Reines & Jesse Prinz - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (6):1022-1032.
    The idea that natural languages shape the way we think in different ways was popularized by Benjamin Whorf, but then fell out of favor for lack of empirical support. But now, a new wave of research has been shifting the tide back toward linguistic relativity. The recent research can be interpreted in different ways, some trivial, some implausibly radical, and some both plausible and interesting. We introduce two theses that would have important implications if true: Habitual Whorfianism and Ontological (...)
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  11. If it weren't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all : blues and the human condition. Why can't we be satisfied? : blues is knowin' how to cope / Brian Domino ; Doubt and the human condition : nobody loves me but my momma- and she might be jivin' too / Jesse R. Steinberg ; Blues and emotional trauma : blues as musical therapy / Robert D. Stolorow and Benjamin A. Stolorow ; Suffering, spirituality, and sensuality : religion and the blues / Joseph J. Lynch ; Worrying the line : blues as story, song, and prayer. [REVIEW]Kimberly Connor - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff, Jesse R. Steinberg & Abrol Fairweather (eds.), Blues - Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking Deep About Feeling Low. Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Mapping the moral domain.Jesse Graham, Brian A. Nosek, Jonathan Haidt, Ravi Iyer, Spassena Koleva & Peter H. Ditto - 2011 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 101 (2):366-385.
    The moral domain is broader than the empathy and justice concerns assessed by existing measures of moral competence, and it is not just a subset of the values assessed by value inventories. To fill the need for reliable and theoretically grounded measurement of the full range of moral concerns, we developed the Moral Foundations Questionnaire on the basis of a theoretical model of 5 universally available sets of moral intuitions: Harm/Care, Fairness/Reciprocity, Ingroup/Loyalty, Authority/Respect, and Purity/Sanctity. We present evidence for the (...)
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  13. Smelling Phenomenal.Benjamin D. Young - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:71431.
    Qualitative-consciousness arises at the sensory level of olfactory processing and pervades our experience of smells to the extent that qualitative character is maintained whenever we are aware of undergoing an olfactory experience. Building upon the distinction between Access and Phenomenal Consciousness the paper offers a nuanced distinction between Awareness and Qualitative-consciousness that is applicable to olfaction in a manner that is conceptual precise and empirically viable. Mounting empirical research is offered substantiating the applicability of the distinction to olfaction and showing (...)
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    In Defense of Sophisticated Theories of Welfare.Benjamin Yelle - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1409-1418.
    “Sophisticated” theories of welfare face two potentially devastating criticisms. They are based upon two claims: that theories of welfare should be tested for what they imply about newborn infants and that even if a theory of welfare is intended to apply only to adults, we might still have sufficient reason to reject it because it implies an implausible divergence between adult and neonatal welfare. It has been argued we ought reject sophisticated theories of welfare because they have significantly counterintuitive implications (...)
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    Of Jews and animals.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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  16. (2 other versions)Introduction.Benjamin Hill - 2012 - In Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund (eds.), The Philosophy of Francisco Surez. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This introduction argues for the importance of Suárez’s philosophy for historians of medieval philosophy as well as historians of early modern philosophy. It also provides synopses of each of the essays in the volume and a brief biography of Suárez, placing his life and works into some historical context.
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  17. Stakeholder Multiplicity: Toward an Understanding of the Interactions between Stakeholders.Benjamin A. Neville & Bulent Menguc - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (4):377-391.
    While stakeholder theory has traditionally considered organization’s interactions with stakeholders in terms of independent, dyadic relationships, recent scholarship has pointed to the fact that organizations exist within a complex network of intertwining relationships [e.g., Rowley, T. J.: 1997, The Academy of Management Review 22(4), 887–910]. However, further theoretical and empirical development of the interactions between stakeholders has been lacking. In this paper, we develop a framework for understanding and measuring the effects upon the organization of competing, complementary and cooperative stakeholder (...)
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    Anarchisms, Postanarchisms and Ethics.Benjamin Franks - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book outlines the various approaches to anarchist thought, explaining differences between rival traditions, and assesses how anarchism challenges hierarchies of power in the generation of social goods.
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  19. A note on bearer-uniqueness and particularised qualities.Benjamin Schnieder - manuscript
    Many friends of the category of particularised qualities subscribe to the view that particularised qualities have a unique bearer in which they inhere; no such quality then can inhere in two different entities. But it seems that this idea is flawed, for there are apparent counterexamples. An apple’s redness is identical with the redness of its skin, though the apple is distinct from its skin. So it seems that a principle of beareruniqueness has to be modified, maybe by excluding certain (...)
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    Peer Ostracism as a Sanction Against Wrongdoers and Whistleblowers.Mary B. Curtis, Jesse C. Robertson, R. Cameron Cockrell & L. Dutch Fayard - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):333-354.
    Retaliation against whistleblowers is a well-recognized problem, yet there is little explanation for why uninvolved peers choose to retaliate through ostracism. We conduct two experiments in which participants take the role of a peer third-party observer of theft and subsequent whistleblowing. We manipulate injunctive norms and descriptive norms. Both experiments support the core of our theoretical model, based on social intuitionist theory, such that moral judgments of the acts of wrongdoing and whistleblowing influence the perceived likeability of each actor and (...)
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    Event Structures Drive Semantic Structural Priming, Not Thematic Roles: Evidence From Idioms and Light Verbs.Jayden Ziegler, Jesse Snedeker & Eva Wittenberg - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2918-2949.
    What are the semantic representations that underlie language production? We use structural priming to distinguish between two competing theories. Thematic roles define semantic structure in terms of atomic units that specify event participants and are ordered with respect to each other through a hierarchy of roles. Event structures instead instantiate semantic structure as embedded sub‐predicates that impose an order on verbal arguments based on their relative positioning in these embeddings. Across two experiments, we found that priming for datives depended on (...)
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  22. Taxation: Voluntary or compulsory?Benjamin R. Tucker - unknown
    Read Jus, 17 June 1887): The voluntary taxation proposal really means the dissolution of the State into its constituent atoms, and leaving them to recombine in some way or no way, just as it may happen. There would be nothing to prevent the existence of five or six "States" in England, and members of all these "States" might be living in the same house! The proposal is, it appears to me, the outcome of an idea in the minds of those (...)
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  23. No conscientious objection without normative justification: Against conscientious objection in medicine.Benjamin Zolf - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (1):146-153.
    Most proponents of conscientious objection accommodation in medicine acknowledge that not all conscientious beliefs can justify refusing service to a patient. Accordingly, they admit that constraints must be placed on the practice of conscientious objection. I argue that one such constraint must be an assessment of the reasonability of the conscientious claim in question, and that this requires normative justification of the claim. Some advocates of conscientious object protest that, since conscientious claims are a manifestation of personal beliefs, they cannot (...)
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    There Is Something to the Authority Thesis.Benjamin Winokur - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Research 47:115-132.
    Many philosophers accept an ‘Authority Thesis’ according to which self-ascriptions of one’s current mental states ordinarily are or ought to be met with a distinctive presumption of truth. Recently, however, Wolfgang Barz (2018) has argued that there is no adequately specified Authority Thesis. This, he argues, is because available specifications are either (1) philosophically puzzling but implausible, or (2) plausible but philosophically unpuzzling. I argue that there are several plausible and philosophically puzzling specifications of the Authority Thesis.
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    The Neural Time - Factor in Perception, Volition and Free Will.Benjamin Libet - 1992 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 97 (2):255 - 272.
  26. Atomism and Fundamentality.Benjamin Schnieder - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (3):551-574.
    The paper focusses on two claims about metaphysical structure: Atomism and Fundamentalism. The first of these claims says that there are mereological atoms, i.e. minimal elements in the mereological structure of reality. The second says that there are fundamental truths, i.e. minimal elements in the grounding structure of reality. A philosopher who defended both of these claims was Bernard Bolzano; the present paper is an exploration of his views on the matter.
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    Critical Reasoning and the Inferential Transparency Method.Benjamin Winokur - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (1):23-42.
    Alex Byrne (2005; 2011a; 2011b; 2018) has argued that we can gain self-knowledge of our current mental states through the use of a transparency method. A transparency method provides an extrospective rather than introspective route to self-knowledge. For example, one comes to know whether one believes P not by thinking about oneself but by considering the world-directed question of whether P is true. According to Byrne, this psychological process consists in drawing inferences from world-directed propositions to mind-directed conclusions. In this (...)
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  28. 'Resemblance'and Locke's primary-secondary quality distinction.Benjamin Hill - 2004 - Locke Studies 4:89-122.
  29. The Pastoral Epistles: First Timothy, Second Timothy, and Titus.Benjamin Fiore - 2007
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    Humanity against itself: the retreat from reason.Benjamin Kovitz - 2008 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Human nature -- On mental disorder -- The meaning of anxiety -- To someone considering psychotherapy -- The sinner in the saint -- Our incoherent world -- The contribution of science -- Making sense of experience -- On reason and religion -- The world of religion -- A note on the aesthetic -- Where are we headed?
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    Franz Rosenzweig.Benjamin Pollock - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  32. The gift of wonder.Benjamin D. Scott - 1923 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 4 (3):177.
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    Embodied delusions and intentionality.Benjamin Sheredos - unknown
    Derek Bolton has claimed that extant philosophical theories of mind imply accounts of mental disorder, via their accounts of intentionality. The purpose of this paper is to extend Bolton’s claims, by exploring what an embodied/situated theory of mind might imply about mental disorder. I argue that, unlike the more traditional views Bolton considers, embodied/situated accounts can (in principle) provide an observer-independent criterion for distinguishing mental health from disorder in cases of Capgras and Cotard delusions.
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  34. Reason, Mathematics, Science: How Nature Helps Us Discover.Benjamin S. P. Shen - manuscript
    In deductive theorizing using mathematics as our theorizing tool, nature is known to routinely help us discover new empirical truths about itself, whether we want the help or not (“generative phenomenon”). Why? That’s because, I argue, some of our deductive inference rules are themselves of empirical origin, thereby providing nature with a seemingly-trivial but crucial link to our mind’s reason.
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  35. Deciding to Trust.Benjamin McMyler - 2017 - In Paul Faulkner & Thomas Simpson (eds.), The Philosophy of Trust. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 161-176.
    In this paper I argue that even if one accepts non-cognitivism about trust, the view that trust is not a species of and does not require belief, one should reject voluntarism about trust, the view that we can trust directly at will. There is good reason to think that we cannot trust directly at will, in the way that we can act, and this is so regardless of whether trust requires belief.
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    Qualitative simulation: then and now.Benjamin J. Kuipers - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 59 (1-2):133-140.
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    Ethics in the Anthropocene: Moral Responses to the Climate Crisis.Benjamin S. Lowe - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (3):479-485.
    This review essay looks at Andrew Brei’s edited volume, Ecology, ethics and hope, Candis Callison’s How climate change comes to matter: The communal life of facts, Randall Curren and Ellen Metzger’s Living well now and in the future: Why sustainability matters, Willis Jenkins’ The future of ethics: Sustainability, social justice, and religious creativity, and Byron Williston’s The Anthropocene project: Virtue in the age of climate change. These recent works highlight various normative approaches for engaging with what is often referred to (...)
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    An out‐of‐equilibrium definition of protein turnover.Benjamin Martin & David M. Suter - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (6):2200209.
    Protein turnover (PT) has been formally defined only in equilibrium conditions, which is ill‐suited to quantify PT during dynamic processes that occur during embryogenesis or (extra) cellular signaling. In this Hypothesis, we propose a definition of PT in an out‐of‐equilibrium regime that allows the quantification of PT in virtually any biological context. We propose a simple mathematical and conceptual framework applicable to a broad range of available data, such as RNA sequencing coupled with pulsed‐SILAC datasets. We apply our framework to (...)
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  39. Architectural Philosophy: Repetition, Function, Alterity.Andrew E. Benjamin - 2000 - Athlone Press.
    Architectural Philosophy is the first book to outline a philosophical account of architecture and to establish the singularity of architectural practice and ...
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    Encultured knowing: knowledge transmission and varieties of cultural learning.Benjamin McMyler - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-17.
    Much recent empirical work in the developmental sciences has emphasized the importance of cultural knowledge transmission for the processes of human evolution and development. This body of empirical work provides indirect support for the “knowledge economy framework” developed by John Greco in his book The Transmission of Knowledge. In doing so, however, it also raises questions concerning the scope or generality of Greco’s framework. Whereas Greco contends that testimonial knowledge transmission is paradigmatic of the process of knowledge transmission generally, this (...)
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    The office of ordnance and the instrument-making trade in the mid-eighteenth century.John R. Millburn - 1988 - Annals of Science 45 (3):221-293.
    Records of certain Government Departments known to have purchased scientific instruments from designated suppliers over long periods are potentially important sources of information on both instruments and their makers. The Office of Ordnance was one such Department. Investigation of its financial and administrative records has shown that the appointment ‘Mathematical Instrument Maker to his Majesty's Office of Ordnance’ brought the holder a substantial trade in instruments for drawing, surveying, and military purposes. Detailed entries in the Bill Books enable not only (...)
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    The ethics of love: an essay on James Joyce.Benjamin Boysen - 2013 - Portland, OR: Distribution in the United States by International Specialized Book Services.
    Preface -- Amorous overture -- Early love stories -- Joyce's great declaration of love (Ulysses) -- Joyce's co(s)mic love letter (Finnegan's wake) -- An ethics of love?
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    Reflections on lying: a lecture.Benjamin C. Bradlee - 1997 - Riverside, CA: Press-Enterprise.
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  44. Factual vs. evidential?: The past tense forms of spoken Khalkha Mongolian.Benjamin Brosig - 2018 - In Ad Foolen, Helen de Hoop & Gijs Mulder (eds.), Evidence for evidentiality. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  45. Old babylonian inscriptions, edicts, and tariffs.Benjamin R. Foster - 1995 - In K. D. Irani & Morris Silver (eds.), Social justice in the ancient world. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 165.
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    The roles and responsibilities of the ethics consultant: a retrospective analysis of cases.Benjamin Freedman - 2000 - Hagerstown, Maryland: University Publishing. Edited by Françoise Baylis.
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    Informal Discussion.Benjamin Hill - unknown
    “What skills and capacities do you think the next generation of early modern scholars most need to advance the field?
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    Is Justice Good for Your Sleep? (And therefore, Good for Your Health?).Benjamin Hale - 2009 - Social Theory and Health 7 (4):354-370.
    In this paper, we present an argument strengthening the view of Norman Daniels, Bruce Kennedy and Ichiro Kawachi that justice is good for one's health. We argue that the pathways through which social factors produce inequalities in sleep more strongly imply a unidirectional and non-voluntary causality than with most other public health issues. Specifically, we argue against the 'voluntarism objection' – an objection that suggests that adverse public health outcomes can be traced back to the free and voluntary choices of (...)
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  49.  22
    Falsification and Demarcation in Astronomy and Cosmology.Benjamin Sovacool - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (1):53-62.
    This work inaugurates a critical inquiry into whether the ideas of Karl Popper, a philosopher of science, are used by astronomers and astrophysicists, a practicing community of scientists. It examines four basic components of Karl Popper's philosophy— falsification, prohibition, simplicity, and risk taking— and the extent that these themes become integrated into recent scientific literature on astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, and stellar evolutionary theory. It concludes that the philosophy of science is highly relevant to the practice of astronomy, and that Karl (...)
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    Why be regular? Part II.Benjamin Feintzeig & James Owen Weatherall - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 65 (C):133-144.
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